The Phone-call

The Phone-call




Monday 25 September
Time: 21:00
Venue: Mill of Pappas, 2nd floor, Amphitheatre
Entrance fee: 2 euros


A not at first sight desperate actor, armed with a ruthless sense of humour and giving an unforgettable show before the audience every night, decides without fear but with great passion to risk a life for the good of humanity.
He calls random people on the phone who, because of synonymity, have the names of American Presidents. He proposes that they play a game, utter a phrase and automatically win a sum of money. Their answer will absolutely determine the outcome.
A dark – as befits politics – comedy by Thanasis Triaridis, with an actor, an animal – in this case a dog, a strong dilemma and a totally unexpected ending.
Like in bullfights where one will finally manage to survive.
The man or the animal.
His life each night can only be saved by the audience.


Parental consent is required for minors under 15 years of age



Direction: Dimitra Larentzaki
Script: Thanasis Triaridis
Performance: Palaeologos Chalidas
Stage design – Music – Lighting: Dimitra Larentzaki
Costume design: Penelope Hatzi
Photos of the performance: Vassilis Zaverdas – Dimitra Larentzaki
Graphic design: Aristea Georgiopoulou
Production organization: Vangelis Chalkiadakis
Production: AntArts ΑΜΚΕ

2023, 25.Sep.23, Performances