The Transition is still here, the pandemic and the crisis are continuously bringing challenges and obstacles to the cultural and creative sectors, and the quest for new alternatives and dynamic answers is still on. Insisting on the value and the priority of networking and collaboaration, Volos Festival and Mill of Performing Arts continue to walk together and co-create proposals for the present and future of contemporary Greek culture in Thessaly, chosing for 2022 SYNTHESIS as their common thematic identity.
For 2022, 9th Mill of Performing Arts and Volos Fetival synchronise their activities (15/09-02/10) and share part of their agenda to compose a culturally rich September full of theatre and music perormances, art exhibitions and installation, dance screenings, workshops, gastronomy events in the two cities and beyond.
For the completion of their schedule, the 2 festival address a common open call for artists and groups that wish to compose with us the map of this year’s program. Submission of proposals can be made online until 25/02/22 in the following link:
Mill of Performing Arts Festival is co-organised by the Mayoralty of Culture and Science of the Municipality of Larissa and SMouTh.
For more information:
info@volosfestival.gr, 6986668391
info@smouth.com, 2410531778, 6947890412