Archive A Midsummer Night’s Dream: from the studio to the stage  Skinovatis, Ekfrasi, SMouTh Theatre & dance workshop/performance   Day: Friday, 27 Sept 2024 Time: 20.00-22.00 Venue: Mill of Pappas, 2nd floor Free entrance (registration required)   How does a group of teenagers approaches Shakespeare's text? How does the reading leads them to the stage?...

ImproLANDS workshop SMouTH's trainers team Τheatrical improvisation and community empowerment   Day: Tuesday, 24 September 2024 Time: 17.00-19.00 Venue: Mill of Pappas, 3rd floor Free entrance    How can theatre and improvisation support and be a means of expression for individuals and for communities affected by natural disasters? This is what the international consortium...

Aerial Acrobatics Workshop Neque Statera Workshop   Day: Saturday, 21 Sep. 2024 Time: 18:00 - 20:00 Venue: Mill of Pappas, 2nd floor Free entrance    The workshop is a call for an experiential introduction to the performance "Cosmic Egg" through a two-hour workshop. It will start with theatrical games, followed by warming up and...

Ice Away - Addictive Dances and OMG Moments dance workshop with Sigrid Stigsdatter Mathiassen   Wednesday 27 September Time: 19:15 - 20:45 Venue: Mill of Pappas, 2nd floor Register through our contact form to participate   We will be waving, swaying, rocking and use addictive dances to create performative constellations and scores in...

Ice Away - Get Going – Part 1   dance workshop with Hilde Sandvold   Wednesday 27 September Time: 17:30 - 19:00 Venue: Mill of Pappas, 2nd floor Register through our contact form to participate   A workshop of a total of 3 hours, in 2 parts. Part one is a dance class, a physical...

Ice Away - Moving Earthlings   dance workshop with Caroline Blomqvist   Thursday 28 September Time: 17.00 - 18.30 Venue: Mill of Pappas, 2nd floor Register through our contact form to participate   Moving Earthlings is a workshop with dancing as the main language. By bringing our bodies through a series of warm up...

Ice Away - Get Going – Part 2   dance workshop with Hilde Sandvold   Thursday 28 September Time: 15:00 - 16:30 Venue: Mill of Pappas, 2nd floor Register through our contact form to participate   A workshop of a total of 3 hours, in 2 parts. Part one is a dance class, a physical...

Η Ιστορία Μου   εργαστήριο σωματικού θεάτρου με τον ηθοποιό και μουσικό Μελαχρινό Βελέντζα   28/09/2023, 11:00 – 14:00 Μύλος του Παππά, 3ος όροφος   Σύντομη περιγραφή εργαστηρίου: Πώς μετακινούμαι από το τίποτα σε κάτι; Πώς μέσα από αυτή τη διαδρομή συνδέομαι με αυτό που πραγματικά με αφορά; Πώς αφηγούμαι την ιστορία μου; Πώς διατηρώ ανοικτή την...

Screening and Discussion   Saturday, 30 September Time: 20:30 Venue: Mill of Pappas, 2nd floor   "Incorporating accessibility tools in the performing arts: towards a new aesthetics of artistic inclusion" Speech by K. Michalopoulou Duration: 20′   "Limit" Screening of the short film  made by SMouTh and Educational & Social Actions of Greek National Opera Duration: 36′...

Music/ Sound / Body Percussion - with Filippos Zoukas (SMouTh) Workshop   Tuesday & Thursday 20 & 22 September, 15:00-17:00 (with open presentation 23/09) Mill of Pappas, 2nd floor, Amphitheatre   The workshop is addressed to all those who want to experiment, improvise and compose by exploring the sounds produced by...